We want your Meindl footwear to not only fit your feet but also your outdoor lifestyle. No matter where you are or what you are exploring, it is critical your footwear fits properly. Our boots and shoes are constructed using different manufacturing techniques and different lasts (forms) which helps us tailor our boots and shoes to excel in different environments.
The construction technique and last we select to build each style can make that particular boot or shoe fit differently, even within our own line of products, which is why it is important for you to follow our fitting guidelines to get you into the correct size.Because the last and the manufacturing technique we use can change the way our footwear fits, Meindl USA gives guidance for proper fitting on each style we sell. All of our sizing recommendations are based off the Brannock measuring device, which is why it is critical to have your foot measured using that device.
We collectively have decades of experience fitting Meindl footwear to the person and activity, so our fitting guidelines come with the knowledge needed to ensure you get the correct fit.
Meindl boots meet your needs with Comfort Fit® for space, MFS Vakuum® for support, and Air Revolution® for cooling.
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